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Innovation Ohio · October 14, 2021

Desiree Tims Condemns State Board of Education Vote to Repeal Anti-Racism Resolution

COLUMBUS — Today, Desiree Tims, President and CEO of Innovation Ohio, released the following statement condemning Ohio’s State Board of Education for repealing a resolution condemning racism:

“Last year, as Ohioans marched in the streets to protest the murder of George Floyd, our State Board of Education passed a resolution condemning racism.

Last night, hateful, bigoted board members repealed that resolution.

“I can’t believe I have to say this, but condemning racism should not be controversial. Teaching accurate history should not be controversial. But extremism has come for our state and local governments. 

Far right radicals are using lies about Critical Race Theory as an excuse to ban honest, accurate, diverse school curriculum.

“And the same type of extremists are running for school boards all across Ohio. 

“It has never been more important to research your local school board candidates, and vote in local school board elections. Rally your friends and neighbors to support candidates who value honesty in education.

 “Election Day is November 2nd this year. You can vote early, or vote on November 2nd. But don’t skip your local elections this year. 

“Our children’s futures are at stake. We have to stop extremism in its tracks.

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