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Lily Furgeson · October 28, 2024

FAQs for Absentee Voting

Rules for Returning Absentee Ballots in Ohio

Who Can Return a Ballot?

  • Unless a voter is disabled, only the voter or a designated family member (spouse, parents, siblings, children, grandparents, in-laws, or household members) can return an absentee ballot. A disabled voter may select any person of their choosing to deliver their ballot, other than their employer or an officer in their union.

How to Return a Ballot:

  • By Mail
    • Must be postmarked no later than the day before Election Day (November 4).
    • Postmarked absentee ballots must be received by Boards of Election by the 4th day after the election (November 9)
    • If the ballot lacks a postmark or you would like to deliver it in person, it must be received by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day (November 5) at the Board of Election (see guidance for returning a ballot “In Person” below).
    • Voters are responsible for postage.
      • If you buy postage at a USPS customer service window or vending machine, the date on the label is the postmark. This is the USPS recommended way to postmark your ballot.
      • If you use stamps, ask at the post office that it be postmarked. You should not use a postage meter or an online service (such as to affix postage.
  • In Person
    • You or a qualifying family member may deliver the ballot in person to the board of elections office using the secure drop box designated for returning ballots.
    • Ballots must be delivered by the close of polls on Election Day to be counted.
    • Do not return your ballot on election day at your polling place.

Checklist for Voters

  • Choose who will return your ballot:
    • You or a close family member (such as a spouse, parent, child, sibling, or another household family member).
  • If mailing your ballot:
    • Mail it by the day before Election Day to ensure it’s postmarked on time.
    • If there’s no postmark, it must arrive by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.
    • Don’t forget to add postage! 
  • If delivering in person:
    • You or a close family member can take the ballot to the board of elections office.
    • Deliver it to the Board of Elections (not your regular polling place) before the polls close on Election Day.

Important: Do not drop off your absentee ballot at a polling place on Election Day—it must go directly to the board of elections office.

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