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Stephen Dyer · April 22, 2014

Short-Changed: How Poor-Performing Charters Cost All Ohio Kids

Research Overview
Innovation Ohio has repeated our earlier analysis of charter schools funding in Ohio, finding in a new analysis that in the 2012-2013 school year, over half of state funding for charters went to schools that performed worse than the traditional public districts students left behind. The result is that the students left in Ohio’s traditional public schools receive less support than the state says they need. Key Findings:
  • As a result of charter school deductions, Ohio’s traditional school students receive, on average, 6.6% less state funding this year than the state says they need;
  • Thanks in part to the rise of virtual schools, many high-performing suburban school districts are among the biggest per-pupil funding losers;
  • Well over half of the transfers of state money to charters goes to schools that perform worse than traditional public schools on either of the state’s two main performance measurements.
Read the full report. Read the press release.

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