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Janetta King · February 3, 2017

Messaging Guide: How to Talk About the Kasich Budget

budget_update_messagingEvery two years, Ohio’s Governor introduces budget legislation that sets funding levels for every state agency and program, but the document is far more than just an allocation of money. The budget is loaded with policy and law changes that can meaningfully impact people all across the state. Sometimes those changes can be harmful. In recent years, we’ve seen amendments to the budget to suppress student voting, limit women’s reproductive choices, and to continue to make Ohio’s tax code more regressive. This year, Innovation Ohio hopes to empower and enlist constituents from across the state to watch the budget, and speak out to your representatives about programs and services that are vital for your family, friends and communities.
Today, start by downloading and saving a copy of our messaging guide for the Kasich budget. Use it to talk to friends, lawmakers or even write a letter to the editor.
Over the next several weeks, members of the Ohio House of Representatives will hold hearings on all aspects of the budget. Then they will add a multitude of amendments before sending it to the Ohio Senate for further consideration and modification. To stay informed, sign up for our budget emails, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We’ll let you know how you can be a champion for a budget that works for all Ohioans.

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