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Erin Ryan · February 18, 2015

KnowYourCharter.com: Analysis of Proposed Charter Legislation

Yesterday, KnowYourCharter released an analysis on the introduction of charter legislation HB2.  The report gave a general summary of what the bill includes along with a provision-by-provision analysis that gives an in-depth look at the good and the bad of the new legislation on the charter school system. The report states that this legislation is the start of much needed charter legislation, but there is still much more room for reform.  HB2 begins the necessary steps towards strengthening the laws on charter sponsors to ensure that charter school reform works to benefit Ohio’s students and taxpayers.
In addition to strengthening this reform, KnowYourCharter outlined three core components necessary for real reform:
  1. Accelerate the process for real reform
  2. Ensure that charter schools are subject to the same public records laws and financial accountability standards as any public entity
  3. Fund charters in a way that does not penalize local public schools
You can view the entire analysis here and find more information on  The Ohio Charter School Accountability Project by visiting the KnowYourCharter website.  

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