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Terra Goodnight · July 3, 2017

Statehouse Preview – Week of July 3

We honestly didn’t expect to be sending an email this week. Typically the General Assembly would be quiet for the holiday, but lawmakers plans to convene on Thursday to override many of the Governor’s budget vetoes, perhaps weakening the state’s gun laws while they’re in town.


On Friday, Governor Kasich announced he had vetoed 47 items in the state budget. Read the Governor’s veto announcement. Among the Kasich vetoes:
  • Three provisions to limit Medicaid expansion enrollment, including the freeze.
  • Changes to an oversight board that would have made it easier to allow fracking in state parks.
  • A proposal to consider the closure of state agencies every four years.
  • A plan to allow local telephone companies to stop offering basic lifeline service.
  • State funding cuts for Columbus over certain water and sewer charges.
  • A legislative fix to replace $200 in lost annual sales tax revenue, essential to the operation of counties and transit agencies.
  • A mandate to seek a waiver of federal Medicaid rules prohibiting inpatient treatment in facilities with more than 16 beds, a barrier to overcoming addiction.

House Session Scheduled Thursday

In response, Republican lawmakers threatened to override the Governor, scheduling a rare holiday-week House session Thursday to hold votes. The budget passed the chamber 59-40 (see how your lawmakers voted), but needs 60 votes to override. It’s important that lawmakers hear from constituents this week. Contact yours now.

Gun Bills in Committee

Just one committee is meeting this week. House Federalism and Interstate Relations will hold a rare holiday-week hearing on Wednesday to pass three controversial gun measures (HB142HB233 & HB201). The bills could be on the House floor Thursday.

Take Action

  • Let the Veto Stand – Governor Kasich used his line-item veto to protect Medicaid expansion, a program that provides healthcare to very low-income Ohioans. Tell your State Representative and Senator to let Governor Kasich’s veto standUse our easy letter-writing tool or find your lawmaker’s contact info at legislature.ohio.gov.

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