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Stephen Dyer · August 6, 2015

A Closer Look: The Kasich Record on Public Education

Research Overview
As Gov. John Kasich looks ahead to the White House, we took a look back at his record on one of the most critical areas of responsibility for his gubernatorial leadership – primary and secondary education. This report examines various Kasich administration policies championed during his tenure and what the impact has been on schools, communities, and most importantly Ohio’s 1.8 million school children.
Key Findings
  • Flat Funding Schools – In the last 5 years, Ohio has doubled down on tax cuts that mostly benefit those at the top while funding for Ohio’s schools has flat lined. Four out of ten school districts have less state funding now than they did before Kasich.
  • Forcing Local Taxpayers To Do More – Direct funding to schools hasn’t kept pace with inflation, which has increased the reliance on local property taxes to pay for schools. Local property taxpayers are paying more for schools now than at any point in Ohio history.
  • Unjustifiably Pushing School Privatization – Kasich has greatly expanded Ohio’s investment in privately run education, despite overwhelming evidence that the state’s current regime doesn’t work. Ohio’s charter sector is a national joke, while spending on school vouchers has more than doubled. The “Youngstown Takeover” is Kasich’s latest effort to “reform” an urban school district, which typically means more school privatization.
  • Punishing Teachers and Local Schools – Gov. Kasich has repeatedly pushed policies that make it easier for schools to cut teachers’ pay while forcing down more and more state mandates.
View the Report: The Kasich Record on Public Education    

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