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· February 3, 2015

Legislation: Ohio Senate Bill 13 – Sexual Offenses Statute of Limitations

Bill: Senate Bill 13 (full text) Title: Sexual Offenses Statute of Limitations Sponsors: Senators Jones and Hughes Co-Sponsors: Senators Manning, Uecker, Gardner, Lehner, Bacon, Obhof, Beagle, Cafaro, LaRose, Balderson, Burke, Coley, Eklund, Faber, Hite, Jordan, Oelslager, Patton, Peterson, Tavares, Widener, Dever, Stinziano, Butler, Conditt Bill Analysis: This bill extends the period of limitations on the prosecution of rape or sexual battery cases based on the implication of DNA analysis. Status: Introduced in the Senate February 2, 2015. Referred to Criminal Justice Committee February 4, 2015. Received hearing March 18, 2015 and reported out of the Committee 9-1. Passed the Senate 32-1 on March 25, 2015. Introduced to the House on March 26, 2015. Referred to the House Judiciary Committee on April 14, 2015. Hearing held and Substitute Bill adopted on May 12, 2015. Passed 13-0 in House Judiciary Committee on May 20, 2015. See how your legislator voted here.
Senate 3/25/2015
Yeas: 32
Bacon Balderson Beagle Brown
Burke Cafaro Coley Eklund
Faber Gardner Gentile Hite
Hottinger Hughes Jones Jordan
LaRose Lehner Manning Obhof
Oelslager Patton Peterson Sawyer
Schiavoni Seitz Taveres Thomas
Uecker Widener Williams  Yuko
Nays: 1
House Judiciary Committee 5/20/2015
Yeas: 13
Niraj J. Antani (R) Jim Butler (R) Nicholas J. Celebrezze (D) Margaret Conditt (R)
Robert R. Cupp (R) Jonathan Dever (R) Greta Johnson (D) Nathan H. Manning (R)
Robert McColley (R) Dorothy Pelanda (R) Jeffery S. Rezabek (R) Michael Stinziano (D)
Emilia Strong Sykes (D)

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