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Stephen Dyer · July 29, 2014

Test Score Disparities Raise More Questions about Embattled Horizon Academies

Research Overview

Innovation Ohio watched recent shocking revelations about misdeeds at Dayton’s Horizon Science Academy with disgust. In response to the allegations of test manipulation and tampering made during a State Board of Education hearing earlier this month, IO examined publicly available testing data for signs of irregularities. Specifically, we compare how Horizon Academy students did on state tests, administered by school officials with ACT college entrance exams, administered by an independent company. The results raise troubling questions for Horizon’s Columbus High School.
Compared to 60 other school districts with similar scores on the state’s Performance Index ranking — based on state test results — Horizon Science Academy Columbus had an abnormally low average ACT score.

Read the report.

Read the press release.

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